Mac like linux os
Mac like linux os

mac like linux os
  1. Mac like linux os how to#
  2. Mac like linux os install#

Change ZSH_THEME="purify" and add zsh-autosuggestions and zsh-syntax-highlighting to the plugins section. zshrc ( you can use nano, vim, your favorite GUI text editor.

Mac like linux os how to#

If you’re using Alacritty as your terminal emulator, you might be interested in this article on how to easily apply and change alacritty themes.Ĥ. NOTE: purify is available for fish shell, a lot more terminal emulators, cli file managers and so on. Installing Purify theme with curl -output ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/purify.zsh-theme zsh syntax highlighting with git clone $/plugins/zsh-autosuggestionsģ.

Mac like linux os install#

Next install Oh My Zsh with sh -c "$(curl -fsSL )"Ģ. If zsh is not available, install it from your distro’s official repo. Includes nearly 300 optional plugins, over 140 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.įirst of all check if zsh is installed on your machine with which zsh.

mac like linux os

Oh My Zsh is a community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. So, right now, I like my terminal to look like this: However, I personally like to use Z shell instead of bash and by default the terminal looks like shit. Tweaking the terminal has nothing to do with making GNOME look like macOS Big Sur.

  • make sure you have curl and git installed.
  • However, customization on XFCE is a bit more limited than GNOME, and KDE is all over the place, but you can take it even further.
  • Same theme can be applied to XFCE and KDE.
  • some extensions that might not be availble in other distros using GNOME DE )
  • I’m using Manjaro GNOME, which comes with a lot of things pre-installed ( ex.
  • The dash to dock extension ( which is pre-sinstalled on Manjaro GNOME ) is enough for me. These things are beyond the scope of this tutorial.
  • There’s more you can do, like install and theme/configure plank or latte dock, apply a theme to LightDM and so on.
  • You don’t have to agree, there’s thousands of themes out there and they can all be applied the same way ( more or less )

    mac like linux os

    Instead, I received a few questions on how did I customized GNOME to look like macOS.Įven if the internet is full of tutorials on how to customize every single DE available, I decided to write a tutorial on how I do it, which is slightly different from what is out there, posted on the webz. I expected a bunch of questions that I couldn’t possible answer. A few days ago I wrote a tutorial on how to dualboot macOS and Linux on a Mac.

    Mac like linux os